The Pursuit of Silence : Silence and Space in Contemporary
Susan Sontag, defines art as a form of consciousness, and says that art gets the role of religion and mysticism previously held in human life to satisfy “a craving for the cloud of unknowingness beyond knowledge and for the silence beyond speech”. And in her essay “The Aesthetics of Silence”, she also mentions art that is silent engenders a stare which is as close to eternity as contemporary art can get. Hiroshi Sugimoto - North Pacific Ocean, Stinson Beach (1994) In May, an exhibition called “Silence and Space” was held in Axel Vervoordt Gallery in Belgium. The show was a play on the idea of the ‘fullness of the void’ ( volledig in Flemish). Anne-Sophie Dusselier, elaborates on the correlation between silence and space saying, “Like a musician uses pauses between the notes to enrich a composition, an artist does the same. Actually, it's from a blank canvas that significance and meaning can emerge. A space where there are a lot of things to discover. Where this world of creation...