what am I doing? - II

keywords: silence, fluctuation, being, self-portrait, in-between, space, break, norm, neutral, intimacy


Taking self-portraits has been a reflex for me for the last three years. Placing myself in front of the camera creates a temporal space for me to build my own perception of myself, my body and question the gaze that we’re taught; to just be, which gives a feeling of intimacy that I’ve never felt before. Furthermore, I can see that there is a presence of silence.


As a silent child,”silence” has always been a concept of my presence. It is generally seen as something to fill in - lacking and uncomfortable contrasting to what I feel. In fact, silence is a place of my realms, other bodies, other realities - somewhere vague and neutral. Having problems with fixations and classifications, I am more into fluctuations of being. Therefore, I see “silence” as an in-between space providing a break from fixed determinations and structured norms. And, I want to dig deeper into the relationship between self portraiture and this understanding of silence.


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